November 14, 2018
New family card game helps bring ‘conversation to the dinner table’
By: Vicki Parsons - IT
Friday, November 9th 2018, 6:41 PM EST by Annie Hubbell
Ditching the phone for a deck of cards — a Southwest Florida gaming company is now partnering with schools to help families with a digital detox.
Rehab Gaming USA created the game “Rehab, A Family’s Release,” to bring the conversation back to the dinner table.
“You ask them why, you dive deep, and you’re going to find out something wonderful things about these kids, what’s going on in their lives, what’s going on in their mind, in their imaginations,” said Founder Ashley Schlimmer.
The Naples based company, partnered with Cottrell Title and Escrow and Saxe, Doernberger, and Vita, to provide each student at Babcock Neighborhood School with a deck.
“They had very innate and emotional response to what the questions were asked and we got some very interesting answers,” said Greg Podolak.
Babcock Neighborhood School Principal, Shannon Treece, said while technology is a game changer in education, some children have trouble carrying on a conversation face to face.
“We realize that probably too much screen time can be negative and how do we flip the table on that, and make sure we do have that balance and make sure we’re engaging with people,” said Treece.
The company wants everyone to participate in the #FamilyFirstChallenge.
You can order “Rehab, A Family’s Release” at
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