
Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush was the 43rd governor of the state of Florida, serving from 1999 through 2007. Prior to and after his tenure as Governor, Bush was actively involved in the private sector helping to build the largest full service real estate company in South Florida and owning and operating successful consulting and investing businesses.
During his tenure as governor, Florida was on the forefront of consumer healthcare advances, led the nation in job growth, raised academic standards in education, and launched and accelerated restoration of America’s Everglades. Bush maintains his passion for improving the quality of education for students by serving as the chairman of the Foundation for Excellence in Education which works with education leaders, teachers, parents and advocates to develop and implement reforms that lead to rising student achievement.
Jeb graduated from Phillips Academy in Massachusetts, and the University of Texas, with a degree in Latin American affairs. Bush is the honorary chairman of the Annual AT&T Jeb Bush Florida Golf Classic, a fundraiser that benefits the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Bush has written three books, Profiles in Character; Immigration Wars: Forging an American Solution; and Reply All.
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